Welcome to our Helpermcp removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC.

Browser hijackers are commonly seen as annoying and irritating pieces of software which tend to mess with popular browsers like Safari,Chrome or Firefox and which can modify the way they operate. You may come across these applications when downloading and installing free software, torrents or program bundles but they may also become part of your system when you visit ad-supported pages and install some misleading updates or add-ons without customizing their settings. A recently reported representative of this software category is the so-called Helpermcp. This application, as per the information that we have, is a source of some undesirable automatic page redirects as well as various ads, pop-ups, and banners, which could be rather difficult to remove from the screen. Helpermcp is also associated with some browser changes which may include the installation of a new search engine, an unfamiliar toolbar or a homepage which may often display sponsored search results and promotional websites every time you use the browser.
From a first look, all these browser modifications, pop-up ads and redirects could easily scare any web user and make them believe that they have had their PC infected with some nasty computer virus or a malware program of some sort. Luckily, this is not the case because applications such as Helpermcp typically aren’t intended to harm the system or mess with the user’s privacy in the way that a real malware piece such as a Ransomware virus or a Trojan horse could. Nevertheless, despite not being regarded as viruses, the browser hijackers could be undesirable on the machine and there are some important aspects that you should know about them. To learn more about these pieces of software, we suggest you stick around and read on the information in the next paragraphs. There, you will find a detailed Removal Guide with uninstallation steps and some tips about prevention and protection against such annoying applications and their irritating activities.
What can a browser hijacker do and how dangerous an application like Helpermcp could be?
Applications like Helpermcp exist for one simple reason – they operate as online advertising tools and serve the needs of hundreds of online-based businesses and software developers, who need to promote their products, services, and websites on the users’ screen. By displaying various aggressive ads, pop-ups, blinking boxes, banners, in-text messages and page-redirect links, these applications expose people to different commercial messages and offers or automatically redirect them to certain websites in order to popularize them. This is a profitable advertising approach, which generates traffic and clicks to sponsored adverts and increases their exposure and, thus, the chances for an eventual sale.
Usually, the people who want to have their ads displayed directly on the users’ screen pay to the developers of applications like Helpermcp to promote their products. Every time the user clicks on the displayed sponsored content, revenue is generated.
Unfortunately, in some cases, in their strive to promote more and to earn more from paid clicks (the Pay-Per-Click scheme), the owners of the hijacking applications may overdo it with the amount of popping offers and redirects and may adopt some questionable marketing tactics. For instance, they may try to use their software to “hijack” the users’ browser by imposing some automatic changes just like the ones we mentioned above. They may also try to monitor the users’ browsing habits, search queries, likes and shares for the purpose of targeted ads generation and relevant page-redirect services.
From a legal point of view, such practices are actually mostly seen as legal. However, by running different ad-generating and browser tracking tasks in the background of your computer, the hijacker may actually consume a fair share of your system’s resources and also, after all, regardless of whether it’s legal or not, this is certainly a privacy invasion that many people might not want to occur in their computers. In some cases, it is not excluded that the hijacker may also provide you with modified search results. In its attempts to show you certain ads or promotional websites, this software may randomly generate links and page-redirect ads that may expose the users to some dangerous threats, such as Trojan horse viruses, Ransomware, Spyware, Worms, and others. This may also happen if you accidentally click on a fake ad which might be a carrier of a nasty computer threat. With all this in mind, it might be better to uninstall Helpermcp from the system and remove all of its components instead of keeping it there and risking getting exposed to unfamiliar or questionable content.
Source: Howtoremove.guide’s Helpermcp Mac Pop up
Remove Helpermcp Mac Pop up
I – Safe mode and revealing hidden files
II – Uninstallation
- Use the Winkey+R keyboard combination, write Control Panel in the search field and hit enter.
- Go to Uninstall a program under Programs.
- Seek the unwanted software, select it and then click on Uninstall
If you are unable to spot Helpermcp, search for any unrecognized programs that you do not remember installing on your PC – the unwanted software might disguise itself by going under a different name.
III – Cleaning all your browsers
- Go to your browser’s icon, right-click on it and select Properties.
- Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target make sure to delete anything written after “.exe”.
- Now, open your browser and follow the instructions below depending on whether you are using Chrome, Mozilla or IE.
- Chrome users:
- Go to your browser’s main menu located in the top-right corner of the screen and select Settings.
- Scroll down, click on Show Advanced Settings and then select Clear browsing data. Just to be sure, tick everything and clear the data.
- Now, in the left pane, go to Extensions and look through all extensions that are integrated within your browser. If you notice any suspicious add-on, disable it and then remove it.
- Firefox users:
- Similarly to Chrome, go to the main menu and select Add-ons and then Extensions.
- Remove any suspicious browser extensions that you may have even if they do not have the name Helpermcp on them.
- IE users:
- Go to Tools and select Manage add-ons.
- Click on all add-on types from the left pane and check if there is anything suspicious in the right panel. In case you find anything shade, make sure to remove it.
IV – Removing Shady processes
- Go to your start menu, type Task Manager in the search field and from the results open View running processes with Task Manager.
- Thoroughly look through all processes. The name Helpermcp might not be there, but if you notice any shady looking process that consumes high amounts of memory it might be ran by the unwanted program.
- If you spot the process ran by Helpermcp, right-click on it, open its file location and delete everything in there. Then go back to the Task Manager and end the process.
V – DNS check
- In the start menu search box write View Network Connections and open the first result.
- Right-click on the network connection you are using and go to Properties.
- Select Internet Protocol Version (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
- If Obtain DNS server addresses automatically is not checked, check it.
- Go to Advanced and select the DNS If there is anything in the DNS server addresses field, remove it and click OK.
- Click OK on the rest of the opened windows.
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