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Xlive.dll Missing Fix

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The following guide is designed to help users fix the missing Xlive.dll file error. The guide provided on this page will work on all versions of Windows.

Missing .dll files are a pretty common error users get prompted with every day. And in the vast majority of cases – there’s nothing to worry about. A missing Xlive.dll makes no exception. The error message that comes with it typically goes something like this:

“The program cannot start because xlive.dll is missing from your computer .Try reinstalling the program to fix it”

You are most likely to be faced with this message if you were trying to run some program, most commonly a game. A mistake that users often tend to make, when encountering a missing .dll file error, is trying to find the respective file online and downloading it from some shady website. You will without a doubt find numerous sites offering you to download Xlive.dll file for free, but we do not recommend going down that path. For one, it’s quite possible that you may land on some compromised webpage with potentially harmful content. Trust us, the last thing you want your endeavor to end in is some nasty virus infection.

Xlive.dll Missing Fix

The best way to install the Xlive.dll file is to go directly to the manufacturer, i.e. Microsoft. Most times, if you download a package containing the missing file, the problem will be solved. In this case, we have in mind the ‘Games for Windows Live’ package.

Clicking on this link will automatically download the package onto your computer from the official Microsoft website.


Once downloaded, simply Run the executable (.exe file) as an Administrator.

Proceed to install the application and once that is done, reboot your system.

Try to run your game or whichever program you were experiencing difficulties with. The error should no longer appear.

Please let us know if this solution was helpful to you and if you have an even better one – we will be happy to hear about it in the comment section below!

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