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How to enable Trusted sites in Google Chrome

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How to enable Trusted sites in Chrome and what are the benefits?

Adding trusted sites to your browser is a very useful utility option that many people overlook and in our opinion this is because they are not even aware of what it does. In this article we’ll speak about the benefits of adding trusted sites to your Chrome internet browser, as well as provide a detailed guide on how to do that.

On the benefits of using Trusted sites

When you add a website to your list of trusted sites you are basically telling your computer that this is a site you know to be safe. When you visit a site on your list of trusted sites Chrome will not perform its normal routine to ensure that the site is safe – this automatically means that a trusted site will load faster than an ordinary site. In addition to that trusted sites will have plug-ins like Adobe Flash, ActiveX and Java enabled even if they are normally disabled by default in your browser.

Keeping Adobe Flash, ActiveX and Java disabled is actually the default option in Chrome, because these three have had a long history of problems. Over the years multiple weaknesses were discovered within those programs, which allows for many different viruses to be installed. Dangerous things like ransomware and Trojan horses can make great use of these weak spots to infect computers with Java and Flash enabled. Unfortunately, much of the content online has been written in these two languages – videos, Ads and site features will often get disabled when Flash and Java are turned off. The Chrome browser has both Java and Flash turned off by default simply to protect its users. These can be turned back on for convenience, but that is simply not recommended as it puts your computer in unnecessary risk.

Of course, you always have the option of turning them manually in order to see the content that requires them, but this has to be done manually for every instance and every page. This can quickly get tiresome, especially for sites you are well familiar with and absolutely sure they are safe. This is where trusted sites comes in.

A site added to your list of trusted sites will have add-ons turn on as an exception. This will make all pages that contains code which requires those programs to load instantly and smoothly. Your computer will also eagerly receive Cookies from such sites without prompting for your permission.

How to enable Trusted sites in Google Chrome Method #1

  1. Right Click Over the Windows Icon > Click on Search
  2. Type “Internet Options” in the search field
  3. In the new window go to the Security tab
  4. Click on the sites button
  5. Enter the URL of the website you would like to include to the Trusted Sites list
    (Make sure to include https:// before entering the domain name if it has an SSL Certificate
  6. Click Add and you are finished
  • IMPORTANT! It is a good idea to input as little of the site’s name as possible. Any sub-sections of the site that you add to the site’s address will restrict the trusted site privileges to apply only to that subsection of the site. Note that sub-sections will be separated from the main site’s address with this symbol “/”, so you need to select anything between the first “/” you see.

How to enable Trusted sites in Google Chrome Method #2

Step 1:

Open Google Chrome and look at the top-ride side of the browser. Locate the three horizontal lines and click on them.

A drop-down window should appear. Select Settings.

Step 2

You are now in the Settings main menu. Scroll down to the very bottom and click on Show advanced settings…

The settings menu will be expanded with additional content.

Keep scrolling down until you reach the Network section and click on Change proxy settings…

Step 3

A new window should open. Select the Security tab.

Next click on Trusted Sites green tick, followed by the Sites button.

A new window should open. You can now input the addresses of your trusted sites.

5 responses to “How to enable Trusted sites in Google Chrome”
  1. ashley Avatar

    Help! I’m in Chrome on a mac laptop. When I open “Change Proxy settings” I don’t see the pop-up you show above. My pop-up shows Wifi Network and the only tab options i have are wifi, hardware, proxies, DNS, WINS, and another weird number tab. How do I fix this?

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Are you using the latest version of Chrome?

  2. Got Lost Avatar
    Got Lost

    These pics are from a Windows Machine NOT Mac

    1. Brandon Avatar

      Why shouldn’t they be from Windows and instead be from Mac?

      1. Gary Massey Avatar

        Got Lost is “lost”

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