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Gc47 Ransomware Virus Removal

How to Remove virus guides


Welcome to our Gc47 Ransomware removal guide. The following instructions will aid you in removing the unwanted software from your PC for free.

The key to fighting any type of malware threat is having a good understanding of how the harmful piece of software works. Since the infamous Ransomware cryptovirus type is currently one of the worst possible types of malicious program that you can land, we have decided to combine all the necessary information that you might need to know about it within this article. As of late, a new such virus has been released and many users have already had the misfortune of getting their machines infected by it. The name of the newly emerged malware is Gc47 Ransomware and chances are that a lot of you have actually already landed it and have come here searching for help. If that’s your current situation, then you have probably realized that what this particular type of illegal software does is it makes your files inaccessible by locking them via an encryption code and then requests a ransom payment if you wish to restore your own files. We might be able to offer you a possible way out of this with our Gc47 Ransomware removal guide that you can find at the bottom if this article. Be sure to visit the guide manual and make use of it in case the vicious Ransomware is currently on your PC.

A worldwide threat

Few forms of malware are as harmful and as threatening as Ransomware. Currently, this kind of virus is a global issue and computers all over the world are getting attacked by it on a daily basis. Furthermore, the targets of Ransomware attacks aren’t only regular users’ computers but also whole PC networks of hospitals, airports, different companies and even whole governments. The bigger the target, the higher the potential damage that can be caused. There are several factors that contribute to the extremely high effectiveness of those viruses that we will address in this paragraph.

Secure your files!

Normally, what you do online determines the safety and security of both your PC system and your personal data that is stored on it. Currently, it is more important than ever before to take the necessary precautions in order to stay safe while online. A huge recent outbreak of Ransomware has rendered the files within thousands of computers all over the globe encrypted. Because of this, you should learn how to prevent such malware infections in the future. The most important things to be careful with is Internet malvertising, spam e-mails and sites that can be potentially illegal or contain redirects to illegal pages. Generally, you should keep away from anything that seems suspicious and you should also be very careful with what you click on while surfing the World Wide Web. Also, as a last line of defense for your files, you should have a data backup of all important data that you might have so do not forget that.


Name Gc47
Type Ransomware
Danger Level High (Ransomware is by far the worst threat you can encounter)
Symptoms If your computer has been experiencing a slow-down due to CPU and RAM spikes, then you might have Ransomware on your machine.
Distribution Method Malicious spam e-mails or spam Skype/Facebook messages, shady malvertising, backdoor viruses such as Trojans and illegal/unreliable websites.

Gc47 Ransomware Removal

 Here is what you need to do in order to remove a Ransomware virus from you computer.

I – Reveal Hidden files and folders and utilize the task manager


  1. Use the Folder Options in order to reveal the hidden files and folders on your PC. If you do not know how to do that, follow this link.
  2. Open the Start Menu and in the search field type Task Manager.
  3. Open the first result and in the Processes tab, carefully look through the list of Processes.
  4. If you notice with the virus name or any other suspicious-looking or that seems to consume large amounts of memory, right-click on it and open its file location. Delete everything in there.


  1. Go back to the Task Manager and end the shady process.

II – Boot to Safe Mode

III – Identify the threat

  1. Go to the ID Ransomware website. Here is a direct link.
  2. Follow there in order to identify the specific virus you are dealing with.

IV – Decrypt your files

  1. Once you have identified the virus that has encrypted your files, you must acquire the respective tool to unlock your data.
  2. Open your browser and search for how to decrypt ransomware, look for the name of the one that has infected your system.
  3. With any luck, you’d be able to find a decryptor tool for your ransomware. If that doesn’t happen try Step V as a last ditch effort to save your files.

V – Use Recuva to restore files deleted by the virus

  1. Download the Recuva tool. This will help you restore your original files so that you won’t need to actually decrypt the locked ones.
  2. Once you’ve downloaded the program, open it and select Next.
  3. Now choose the type of files you are seeking to restore and continue to the next page.
  4. When asked where your files were, before they got deleted, either use the option In a specific location and provide that location or choose the opt for the I am not sure alternative – this will make the program look everywhere on your PC.
  5. Click on Next and for best results, enable the Deep Scan option (note that this might take some time).
  6. Wait for the search to finish and then select which of the listed files you want to restore.
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